Anatomy of a Diamond

Anatomy of a Diamond

Round Brilliant Cut Guide

While there is a high emphasis on the colour and clarity of a diamond, the cut is equally if not more important. It is the only factor that is influenced by man. A diamond of high colour and clarity but of poor cut will not sparkle as much as one that has lower colour and clarity but is of ideal cut. The following provides a brief run-down of a shallow, deep and ideal cuts of a round brilliant diamond.

In a shallow cut diamond the light will be lost through the bottom of the diamond (Pavilion) and the naked eye may see a duller reflection.

Click on the video below to view a demonstration of a shallow cut round brilliant diamond.


In deep cut diamonds, light reflects off the opposite facets, thus causing the light to reflect at the wrong angle. This effect means that light is lost through the side of the diamond. The diamond may appear darker in the center.

Click on the video below to view a demonstration of a deep cut round brilliant diamond.

Ideal cut diamonds have been cut to exact proportions with great attention to detail. As more time is required for the most skilled diamond cutters, and more of the rough material must be sacrificed in order to produce ideal cut diamonds, the final product is considered very valuable. The ideal cut diamonds hold more value in comparison to deep or shallow cut diamonds because they reflect and refract maximum light from the top of the diamond. Hence, they naturally have the best sparkle!

Click on the video below to view a demonstration of an ideal cut round brilliant diamond.

Diamond Cut Grading and Certification

Would you like a deeper understanding of the complexities of diamond cut? Check out our blog article Diamond Cut Grading and Certification.